Are You Treating Top Prospects Like Clients?

You know as well as I do…               A lot of times you’ll hear industry types like me say things like, “When the market is tough, this is the best time to prospect. This is the best time to bring on new clients.” “When the market is tough, this […]

[VIDEO] 21-Day Time Mastery Challenge

Ready to get started? Just click here to sign-up today! It only takes a few weeks to go from your time controlling you to you controlling what you decide to do with your time. I call this Time Mastery. I’ve been teaching these easy-to-implement success habits to my clients for years.  They’ve gotten countless hours […]

How To Enjoy The Freedom of Focused Client Care

For many financial advisors, client service has turned into a series broken promises.  The best of intentions have turned into sloppy messes.  They are heaps of confusing, conflicting activities…poorly designed and impossible to execute. Why? It usually starts with too many clients.  And continues with mazes of perplexing clients segments.  In the end, there aren’t […]

How To Get The Most From Client Scheduling

As I speak with advisers, while the market has been bouncing around the last week or so, a common question is, should I be speaking with my clients more often? I think the best answer is let your clients decide. I’m going to help you do that in this video, but before I get in […]

Financial Advisor Disconnect?

[embedplusvideo height=”400″ width=”600″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=EnPeaCdkk6w&width=600&height=400&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep8105″ /] There is a disconnect between client perception and what many financial advisors think. About two-thirds of advisors say they are doing holistic financial planning for clients, yet only one-third of advisors have financial plans in place for all of their clients.

Are You Just Singing Along…Kumbaya?

You think, “If my clients don’t bother me, then I won’t bother them.” I call this kumbaya financial advice. Everyone (you and your clients) is just sitting around the campfire singing that happy tune…

The market is up…yay…kumbaya.
The fed is accommodating…yay…kumbaya.
I hope this never ends…yay…kumbaya.
Oh yaaaay…kumbaya.

Read More

My Face Turned Red

A few weeks back, I was in a room full of very successful entrepreneurs. You’d love to have these folks as your clients. For many financial advisors, they would be “ultimate clients”.

…Major league internet gurus
…Owners of mind-blowing manufacturing businesses
…Inventors with real, money-making inventions
…Consultants, authors and experts of all types

During my portion of this exclusive mastermind session, I was talking about my new book (Delivering the Ultimate Client Experience). And we got onto the topic of client service. Suddenly, one of the sharpest guys in the room decided to conduct a flash poll.

“How many of you need a financial advisor like the one Rob described?” Read More

Revolutionary Pay Structure for Financial Advisors

To start, let me borrow the disclaimer from Law & Order: “The following story is fictional and does not depict any actual person or event.”

(In other words, I am NOT a recruiter.)

I’m thinking of starting a brand new investment firm…Ultimate Client Advisory Services. We’ll have a revolutionary pay structure for our financial advisors. Annual payouts for some advisors could well exceed 100% of the revenues they generate. Read More


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