5-Step Formula Delivers Daily Success

Find out why daily routines run you ragged using my “5-Step Success Formula” so you end up getting more done in less time…no matter what interruptions or time wasters are thrown your way. I know that finding the right person to help you build your business can be tough. If you like what you […]
Play the video of YOUR success

What’s holding you back? Sometimes we hold ourselves back. We don’t believe we deserve the great things we’re capable of achieving. But when you “play the video” of what success means to YOU, it has a way of happening. We unleash our real talent. This video lesson teaches you how to get started. If […]
4 Daily Success Habits to Live Like the Champion You Are

“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” – Muhammad Ali I love this quote. It speaks to the importance of preparation. Focusing on the stuff you do when nobody else is watching. The routines that separate champions from wanna-bees. […]
Should you strike “fiduciary” from your vocabulary?

The word “fiduciary” makes my skin scrawl. Not because I think there is something wrong with holding advisOrs, advisErs, planners and RIAs to a “fiduciary standard.” But because it’s become just another word in the titular struggle to define what high-integrity financial professionals do for a living. In 2 words or less. Think about it […]
Too Busy to Call Prospects?

Are you ever too busy to follow-up with your active prospects? Have you ever allowed a lead to slip through the cracks? Though these may sound like silly questions, I often speak with successful financial advisors whose biggest “problem” is finding time to keep up with their leads. Thanks to referrals, networking and other marketing […]
Time(ly) Tips from Punxsutawney

I spent a lot of time in Punxsutawney with my grandmother (Grace) over the years. So I’m a big fan of the movie, Groundhog Day. In one scene, Phil Connors (Bill Murray) says… “You want a prediction about the weather? You’re asking the wrong Phil. I’m going to give you a prediction about this winter? It’s going to be cold, […]
Are you getting more done in less time?

Each year, I ask my clients a series of questions to help them measure their progress. This year, I thought I’d share these questions with you. There are 9 questions in all. Here’s the 1st one… Thinking about your most important activities and business drivers…Are you getting more done in less time or do you still […]
Can your business operate without you?

[Transcription] I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had an adviser tell me…“One of the reasons I love this business is I can play golf (insert favorite hobby) whenever I want.” Then I ask how often they would like to play golf…“I’d love to play three or four times a week.” I’ll then ask how […]
What is your daily success formula?
[Transcription] Here’s the thing, you have a great idea. You know that if you get it right you’ll be able to operate your team with more efficiency, deliver a higher level of client service and really get your business growing. Depending on where you are today, you’ll move to 50 million, 100 million, or 250 […]