Gurus, Economaniacs, and My New Book
Have you had enough of the predictions for 2014? Skip the fortune telling and rely on client service.
From investment gurus, geniuses and all around crystal ball readers…
Market up.
Market down.
Market up with a “correction” in the middle.
Market down after a spike to new highs. And so on.
It reminds me of Abbott and Costello. Read More
Or learn about the new book on “Delivering the Ultimate Client Experience” at
How much time do you spend with your clients?
Most advisors spend well less than half of their time in client-facing activities. They’re not doing the simple stuff often enough…phone calls, reviews, proposals, personal emails, handwritten notes and special events.
This is an expensive mistake. Read More
The “Golden Rules” of Practice Management
Over the last ten plus years I’ve developed a system to help financial advisors deliver the “Ultimate Client Experience”. It has provided countless advisors with tools and strategies for delivering superior client service and growing their businesses. We’ve found that it doesn’t have to be a time-consuming or expensive process. In fact, it’s remarkably straightforward, […]
What You Can Learn from The Peanut Man
Crazy start to a day. Ten minutes of one-on-one time with a true celebrity of sorts. You see, at 4:30am, my airport limo driver was none other than “The Peanut Man” of Indians baseball fame. Game after game, year after year, he has served thousands of fans. The Peanut Man has a booming voice and […]
Retirement Income Reality Check
These days, retirement is on every boomer’s mind. And with good reason. With the economic meltdown impacting retirement savings, unemployment at a high water mark and Social Security and other government programs under pressure, your clients may be experiencing a trifecta of bad news. Many pre-retirees are questioning whether they will ever retire. Fortunately for […]