How To Get In Front Of More Prospects
I’m on the road today so my backdrop is courtesy of Marriott. Anyway, I was checking in at the office looking at some of the survey results that you all are sending back to me. When I asked the question what is your greatest challenge, one of the top responses is “I can’t get in […]
Looking for an Exceptional Executive Assistant/Marketing Coordinator
We are looking for an Exceptional Executive Assistant/Marketing Coordinator who is one step ahead, gets things done and believes in going the extra mile! Team focused…we are a small business doing big things. Our clients love us because we care and produce results. Here’s what they’re saying. We are a strategic coaching and consulting business serving […]
How To Get The Most From Client Scheduling
As I speak with advisers, while the market has been bouncing around the last week or so, a common question is, should I be speaking with my clients more often? I think the best answer is let your clients decide. I’m going to help you do that in this video, but before I get in […]
6 Tips for Stress Testing Your Practice in Lousy Markets
No matter how you frame it, the markets have been lousy. Bull, bear or agnostic…the turbulence has been unsettling. For your clients, your team and YOU! And no matter how well you’ve positioned your portfolios or risk-adjusted your allocations…you need to do some stress-testing. How are your models holding up? How is your team […]
[Case Study] How To Increase Your AUM By 50% In Under 90 Days Without Cheesy Gimmicks
Watch this video to the end and you’ll receive a great technique that you can put to work in your business today. A technique that helped one of my clients grow his assets under management by 50% in about 90 days and there were no gimmicks. Before I get into the details, I want to
Attitude, Action, Breakthrough Results
25 years ago this month… I had my best month ever as a financial advisor. My TRIPLET daughters were just a couple weeks old. And an article in a copy Money magazine in our pediatricians waiting room was screaming at me. Something like…by time your kids reach college it’ll cost $240,000. And for my wife […]
What’s Your BIG Idea?
Andy was a thorn in my side. Great guy…loved going out for a beer with him.
But he constantly moaned about his production. Two or three times a week, he’d wander into my office, say he was “stuck” and wondered out loud about how he would get off his “plateau”. He would say he just needed one “big idea”. Read More
Mastermind #1 – Time Mastery Challenge
Time Mastery Challenge – Index
Day 1 – Unsubscribe from other people’s priorities Day 2 – Build a simple inbox management system Day 3 – Start a social media, smartphone, distraction diet Day 4 – Build time into each day to return emails and calls Day 5 – Begin a morning routine Day 6 – Create a mental picture of your success Day […]