How to Avoid Prospecting “Near Misses”

“They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” – Carl Buechner During a recent coaching call, one of my financial advisor clients relayed a major prospecting disappointment. He had been working on a 7 figure IRA Rollover with a “humongous prospect” for a number of years. When the […]

How To Use Your Expertise to Generate Better Leads

  They say “An old dog who refuses to learn new tricks shouldn’t be allowed to raise puppies.” I don’t remember who first said it, but it makes sense. Yes, there are always going to be new things to learn. There are always going to be new challenges to growth as you continue to build […]

How To Put A Muzzle On The DOL Chatter In Your Brain

Hey, Rob Brown of Encore Partners here. Have you heard there’s this new set of regulations coming out called the Department of Labor regulations? Rumor has it they’re going to turn the business upside-down; they’re going to put you out of business if you aren’t careful. Well, you know what? I want to chuckle, because […]

Is This The “Hidden Hurdle” That’s Stalling Your Growth?

Hi. Rob Brown of Encore Partners here. I want to talk with you about something I think is vitally important, and missing big time in a lot of advisors’ practices, and it’s having a big goal, a real purpose for running your business. You see, it is so easy to say that you do this […]

You’re An Advisor, But Are You An AUTHORITY?

Hi. Rob Brown of Encore Partners here. I have a question for you: Are you an authority? You know, I bet you are. I bet the way that you take care of the unique set of clients that you work with makes you an authority. It makes you referable. But the truth is, most advisers […]

Do you have a simple system to quickly respond to complaints and criticism?

I‘m sitting in a hotel lobby…early Sunday morning. All of a sudden, I hear a commotion at the front desk. “What do you mean I can’t cash a check? I’m an ‘honors’ member. I do it all the time. It’s only $100!” The startled desk clerk, Rosie, responds with the standard “it’s our policy” schtick, […]

How to Make Sure You Have Your Best Vacation Ever

As a successful financial professional, you have chosen one of the most challenging professions in the world. Entrepreneur, financial authority and community leader are among the many hats you may wear on a daily basis. The work you do for your clients, family, self and community is vitally important.  

Treat Top Prospects Like Clients

They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. -Carl Buechner During a recent coaching call, one of my financial advisor clients relayed a major prospecting disappointment. He had been working on a 7 figure IRA Rollover with a “humongous prospect” for a number of years. When the […]

Are You Firing Straight or Shooting Blanks on Referrals?

All too often, clients and connections greet the referral question with a blank stare. They’re caught off guard because they don’t have a specific point of reference. They would like to help, but they don’t know where to begin. Some advisors allow their referral strategies to become cumbersome and clunky. Is that you? If so, […]


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