The Financial Advice Business is Fraught with Distractions. Instead of Acting, You React. Instead of Getting Ahead, You Fall Farther Behind.
If You’re Ready to Break the Code, You Need a Decisive NEW Plan for Getting More Done in Less Time
Dear Advisor,
Let’s be frank. When times are good and markets are rolling (like now), it’s easy to take your time for granted. You just put in the hours and roll with the punches.
Unfortunately, that can lead to long hours, increased stress and a lack of productivity.
You see…more time in the office doesn’t necessarily mean you get more done. You may feel busy, but you don’t see results from your efforts. (Kind of like a hamster running in a wheel.)
What’s at the heart of the problem?
You’re not applying 80/20 principles to your time. Whether you want to believe it or not…20% of your activities lead to 80% of your results. And when you learn how to identify, prioritize and implement your personal 80/20 model, the results can be liberating. It can mean…
…cutting your works hours by 20% or more
…increasing your revenues at double-digit rates without spending any more time in the office
…getting back big blocks of time for fun with family, friends and your favorite activities
The possibilities are endless. You simply need to focus on the things that matter most. Things that do NOT require radical changes and a tons of time.
After all, time is what you’re after.
Transform Your Business in as Little as 4-Weeks
In the end…these liberating, business-transforming concepts sit at the heart of my Time Mastery System. And I’d like to share them (and more) with you by inviting you to join my 4-week 80/20 Time Mastery Program. This highly interactive “virtual workshop” is designed to propel your business to new heights.
And I’m willing to bet on YOUR success by offering an amazing money back guarantee*.
80/20 Time Mastery should be a cornerstone of your continued success. Done right…it will have a positive impact on EVERY aspect of your business. You will…
…build a stronger team
…capture meaningful new assets
…eliminate ineffective prospecting, and
…get hours back in your day
As an old acquaintance of mine used to say, “Action takers are money makers.”
Sound corny? Maybe.
Yet the many successes I’ve had in my career as a financial advisor (close to 30 years) all started with ACTION. Same goes for the folks I coach…simple actions set the dominoes in motion. You don’t need complicated stuff that takes days, weeks and months to implement.
You’ll be able to implement simple, clearly defined concepts that drive IMMEDIATE results.
My clients tell me that’s one of the greatest strengths of my training, mentoring and coaching. And it’s ALL built into my 80/20 Time Mastery Program.
I won’t hold anything back.
My success in this program will be measured by your success. We’ll work together to systematically transform your business. You’ll have a front row seat as you implement your own 80/20 model.
- No more plateaus, no more treading water.
- No more growth at the expense of countless hours in the office.
- No more wondering if your business can withstand the perils of the next market bubble
You take action AND you take control. Plus, you don’t have to put your business on hold. This program is designed for easy implementation. I’ll show you how to achieve Time Mastery “on the fly”.
You and your business won’t miss a beat…
Rob Brown’s approach is a road map that takes the financial advisors to the promised land of how we should all be running our business and serving our clients. By working with Rob, I’ve moved my business from one with satisfied clients and limited referrals to one where my only problem is keeping up with the growth.“
– Ron Dickinson, CPA, CFP®, MPA-Tax, Dickinson Investment Advisors
I’ve worked with hundreds of advisors who have completely re-energized their businesses by implementing my 80/20 Time Mastery System.
Who should participate?
Please don’t apply for this program if you’re looking for a “silver bullet” solution. My 80/20 Time Mastery Program requires commitment. A commitment to working smarter. Doing more of what you do best. Plugging gaps. And fixing anything that may be broken.
This 4-week program requires genuine desire to get more done in less time.
Although wishful thinkers could benefit from this “virtual workshop”, it’s best suited for financial advisors who are serious about increasing their productivity and their profits.
Consider my “top 3” criteria…
- You should be excited about the prospect of taking your businesses to a new level of success…status quo isn’t even a consideration.
- You MUST be willing to re-examine every aspect of your business in the light of the 80/20 principles…you must embrace the possibility of change.
- Your work isn’t just a job…it’s essential to your clients’ well-being as well as your ability to make a difference in your life, the lives of those you love and in your community.
Here’s how one of our biggest fans describes what we do…
“Rob’s advice isn’t theoretical – it’s practical. He doesn’t just talk about the ‘why,’ he talks about the ‘what’ and the ‘how,’ based on real-world, proven techniques. The advisors in our organization who have chosen to follow Rob’s advice are now delivering consistent service, getting more referrals, and spending less on client acquisition, building more efficient and successful teams that are poised to grow substantially.”
– Dee Costa, President, Asset Marketing Systems
You’re Going to Discover Actionable Strategies for Saving Massive Amounts of Time and Growing Your Business….IMMEDIATELY
Here’s how we’ll make it happen…
The Program will include:
- Four high-impact, interactive webinars spread over four weeks…these can’t miss sessions are designed to review and implement the most important aspects of 80/20 Time Mastery.
- Each webinar will be recorded for easy replay…can’t make a session or need to review what we’ve covered? No worries. You’ll have unlimited access to replays.
- Action Alerts…during each webinar you’ll be given a series of exercises to apply to your practice in the coming week. Each assignment is designed to help you take action.
- Mastermind Sessions…these weekly teleconferences will allow you to ask questions and brainstorm with me (your coach) and other participants.
- Mastermind Sessions will be recorded for easy replay…can’t make a session? We’ll send you access to a recording. Plus, you can send your questions ahead and we’ll answer them during the teleconferences.
- 80/20 Time Mastery Game Plan…this workbook will be your guide as well as an ongoing game-plan to ensure success.
- Email Hotline…you’ll be given an exclusive email address for submitting questions. We’ll respond within 24 hours.
Plus, we’re offering TWO limited-time bonuses (until May 30th**)…
Bonus 1: One-on-One Consultation…at any point during this program, you’ll be able to self-schedule a private coaching session with me (Rob Brown). We’ll hop on the phone, discuss your biggest challenges, develop a blueprint for achieving your next level of success and I’ll even send you a recording of our session. I normally charge over $500 for a one-on-one consultation.
Bonus 2: Private Website and Social Media Analysis…many advisors are struggling with their websites, web profiles and social media listings. So my personal website strategist (very, very talented) has agreed to offer a FREE consultation to each participant. He’ll walk you through a critical 14 point checklist, share tactics you can use now to improve your web presence and send you a recording of the session. A $150 value.
Your investment is only $497
100 % Money Back Guarantee*
Rob’s common-sense approach is refreshing. No outlandish, high cost tactics – he keeps it simple and makes it actionable. I would not be at the level I am without his diligent approach and expertise!”
— Patrick Bykerk, Financial Consultant, Branch Manager, Raymond James
Let me summarize…
For an investment of only $497 you’ll receive:
- Four high-impact, interactive webinars spread over four weeks…recorded for easy replay
- Action Alerts…step-by-step guidelines for getting the most out of this 4-week program
- Mastermind Sessions…teleconferences designed to brainstorm with your coach and classmates
- Game Plan…a workbook to stay on track
- Email hotline…rapid response to your questions
Bonus 1: One-on-One Consultation…valued at more than $500, you’ll get private access to your coach
Bonus 2: Private website and social media analysis…walk through a personalized, 14 point website and social media review, valued at $150
*Plus, you have my 100% Money Back Guarantee…If you watch the training sessions and you’re not impressed and delighted then simply ask us for a refund within 30 days of your purchase and you’ll get it. Frankly, I can’t imagine facing the future without the power of these strategies.
Are you ready to get started?
Please register right away. We expect this program to fill up quickly. The bonuses** are only available for those who register by 4PM-ET on May 30th.
My 80/20 Time Mastery System is absolutely transformational. You owe it to yourself, your clients and your family to register…everybody wins. Quite frankly, your business will never be the same. And I’m betting on YOU.
All the best-
Rob Brown, Founder, Encore Partners