Just talk to people…
Sometimes we make growth too complicated. Adding new ideal clients all boils down to “talking to people.” Just a couple extra conversations a week can make a huge difference. In this week’s video, I share 3 specific strategies.
Do you need help attracting new ideal clients? Click here to schedule a Fast-Track Call.
Get the Guidance You Need to Achieve Your Next Level of Business Success
There’s a reason athletes and top executives have coaches … because coaches help them perform better.
A good coach can correct mistakes and draw out talent that the student didn’t even know they had.
And here’s the thing, coaches aren’t just for athletes or executives, anybody can benefit from having a coach or mentor, including financial advisors.
How do I know?
I’ve hired and fired coaches for years. For myself and for other advisors. You name the leading coaches and the training programs in the industry… and I’d bet I’ve worked with them in one way or another.
Some of them are great. Most suck.
And as much as I hate to admit it, I’ve followed some pretty bad advice in my career. Cost me thousands. Wasted loads and loads of time.
When I’ve gotten it right… my business has skyrocketed.
Whether I was trying to improve my personal productivity, increase my fee-based revenues and assets under management, develop a solid team, improve my leadership skills or a myriad of other things…
…the periods of breakout improvement included a rock-solid mentor.
I believe that a top-notch coach paired with an open-minded student is a 10x ROI or more equation!
That’s why I do what I do today!
If you want to unlock the key to your next level of success …
…if you are struggling to add new ideal clients and grow your business …
…if you want to save time and eliminate stress and inefficiency in your business …
If you want to overcome obstacles and increase your profits…
Go ahead and pick a day and time at the top of this page to schedule your complimentary Fast Track Call.
But if you’re okay with status-quo… unwilling to look at your business through a different lens …just not motivated to improve… you may as well stop reading this page.
We’re probably not going to be a good fit for each other.
Real results require serious intent… success is not an accident.
That’s why I’ve developed a reputation for using this experience as well as my past (in-the-trenches) experience as a top-performing advisor to provide quick and clear insights and RESULTS.
I’m not a coaching generalist. Or an inexperienced “staff” trainer.
When you hire my company, you hire me!
You add 30 plus years of proven performance to your team.
I believe I’m the best in the business.
But don’t just take my word for it. Why not listen to what my actual clients have to say?

“I kind of treat Rob as my chairman of the board…for me as the CEO of the company it’s a good person (Rob) to have that can constantly challenge thinking and the ideas that I’m exploring.”
–Michael Lutz, Legacy Financial Strategies

“My income went up $100,000 over night from one project we did together…and that’s permanent.” “He’s very, very knowledgeable about the industry….from the broker dealer world to independent registered investment advisories like myself … a little joke I’ve had lately with Rob it’s like, ‘You’re right again’.”
Ron Dickinson, CPA, CFP, Owner/Wealth Advisor, Dickinson Investments
Let Me Help You Write YOUR Next Success Story!
We can focus on your entire business or on a specific area of your business – it’s up to you.
My ENCORE Method is a complete system for taking advisory practices, wherever they may be today, to their highest levels of success.
Here are some areas where we could begin our focus…
- Clarifying Your Vision and Focus – We can make sure you have a crystal clear picture for developing the business of your dreams.
- Increasing Your Assets and Revenues – We can work together to increase both by 30% or more in the next year.
- Solidifying Your Unique Client Proposition – We can develop and unleash your powerful UCP so you stand out from the herd.
- Elevating Your Ongoing Client Experience – We can improve the way you deliver your client experience so you get the most out of your current relationships.
- Increasing Your Qualified Leads and Referrals – We can dramatically increase the number and quality prospects in your pipeline.
- Develop Your Web and Social Media Presence – We can set-up an online presence that leverages your expertise to better serve your clients and capture new business.
- Dramatically Improve Your Personal Productivity – We can make sure you get the most out of your efforts every day so that your productivity – and profitability – soar.
- Escalate Your Team and Teamwork – We can improve your teamwork so you increase profits while working –and stressing – less.
- Developing Your Succession and Legacy Planning – We can make sure you’re building a legacy that lasts while ensuring you reap the financial rewards when you’re ready to sell.

“Rob was a producer and a manager. He understands what you are doing… he’s going to challenge what you’re doing if it’s wrong. He’s going to make you aware of what you need to do achieve your goals.” “Thanks to Rob, I feel that I am in much more control of my business.” “If you want to grow your business in an efficient manner relatively quickly, he is who I would hire.”
Richard Morrow, Senior Vice President/Financial Advisor, Wunderlich Securities
Not sure where to start?
Go ahead and pick a day and time at the top of this page to schedule your complimentary Fast Track Call.
A few more words from my clients…