Today’s installment is about “Mr. Advocate” and how to get out of your own way.
I coached a financial advisor. We’ll call him Jay.
His star client was one of the most respected businessmen in town. Moreover, he was giving Jay referrals right and left.
Major issue. Jay did NOT follow-up on a single one.
In actuality, Jay did NOT even clue in to the fact he was getting referrals.
Jay was hyper focused on not messing up the relationship with this heavy hitter. And his self-doubt put him on defense. So Jay missed the key transformation when his best client turned into an all-star advocate.
Funny if it were not true…but Jay valued his own work less than his client.
You see, Mr. Advocate was absolutely gaga over Jay because he was getting better attention and advice than ever before. In his financial affairs, the Advocate felt like he had hit a homerun with Jay.
And what do you do when you hit a homerun?
You circle the bases.
You let everybody know.
Mr. Advocate was circling the bases over and over FOR Jay. Telling his friends and colleagues at every turn.
What was his motive?
Simple…the more he did for Jay, the more time Jay had for him. And Jay admitted Mr. Advocate had mentioned that on more than one occasion.
He regularly told Jay that his success in business was based in large part on promoting others.
During their almost weekly conversations, Mr. Advocate usually had a “name” for Jay. He would recount how he had mentioned Jay’s to so and so. He would even give Jay some background to help pave the way.
Implying…assuming…that Jay was taking notes and following up with each person.
Bad assumption.
Jay thought it was all small talk. His scarcity mindset was saying,
“I’m lucky to have this one big hitter. Better not mess it up.”
To set things straight, Mr. Advocate took Jay out to the wood shed.
Several of his referrals had been WAITING for Jay’s call. And when the calls didn’t come they reported back to Mr. Advocate.
Like washing his mouth out with soap, Mr. Advocate let Jay have it. Offended that Jay “hadn’t done a damn thing” with the names he had mentioned.
Jay sat stunned.
By trying to protect his relationship with Mr. Advocate, Jay had done just the opposite. Without knowing it, he had told his best client, “NO, I don’t need your help.”
Fortunately, Mr. Advocate had seen this “rookie mistake” before.
Then Mr. Advocate offered three pieces of advice…
– Stop doubting yourself. Confidence is a cornerstone of good business.
– People like helping people they like; put yourself in a position to accept it.
– Always say thank you. And be ready to return a favor with a favor.
Now, Jay reports back to Mr. Advocate on each referral. Some have worked out. Others haven’t. Each encounter boosts his confidence.
I find this little scenario repeated.
“Mr. Advocate” lurks in most financial advisory practices. Often more than one. Sure, they may not raise their hands as high as Jay’s best client. But the signs are there.
Want to find more advocates for your practice? Send an email to and request a copy of my “Building Client Advocacy” video. I’ll send you a link.