See What Successful Financial Advisors Like You Are Saying

“I kind of treat Rob as my chairman of the board…for me as the CEO of the company it’s a good person (Rob) to have that can constantly challenge thinking and the ideas that I’m exploring.”
“Rob has a unique capability of thinking both inside and outside the box. A lot of coaches that I’ve worked with in the past have one way of thinking. It’s a great relationship as long as you stay in that box so to speak. Rob and I have at least together, found ways to think beyond that. We’re not just working on the company as it is today, but there’s a lot of design that we talk about. Employee stuff we talk about. I kind of treat Rob as my chairman of the board so to speak. And for me as the CEO of the company it’s a good person to have that can constantly challenge thinking and the ideas that I’m exploring.”
“He knows who we are and what’s important to us, what we’re trying to accomplish. It’s not all about money by any stretch of the imagination.”
“He’ll take a look at your business, you tell him what you want to be, where you want your business to go or what you’re trying to do that’s different, and he will have knowledge of past experiences with somebody else, that he’ll be able to tell you what works and what doesn’t work. Kind of cut out the trial and error. He doesn’t over-promise, and under-deliver. He delivers what he tells you he’s going to deliver. He helps you talk through things whenever you’re speaking to him about something and you really can’t wrap your head around what you’re even asking him, he’ll normally get that out of you. He knows who we are and what’s important to us, what we’re trying to accomplish. It’s not all about money by any stretch of the imagination.”
“Thanks to Rob, I feel that I am in much more control of my business.”
“The two things that Rob did for me that I think are just beyond crucial is, he makes you segment your book, think about your book, and then the math becomes pretty simple. If you want to get to “X” you have to do twice as much of “Y.” You can only do that by segmenting your book and thinking about it a lot. I feel that I am much more in control of my business.”