3 Words Worth Remembering


Hello, Rob here again.

Just wanted to remind you that you’ve set a strategy call.

The intention of this message is to prepare you to do your part to maximize impact from the time we’re about to share together.

This may sound surprising, but my intention is to make Your Call one of the most important meetings you’ve ever experienced.

As we work through the AUM Launchpad™ model together, you’re going to get actionable strategies that help you transform your results with the support and systems to see it through.

With these practical, doable and outcome-driven suggestions you’ll be on your way to reaching 100MM, 250MM & more with greater purpose, productivity and profits.

[Special Note: You will receive separate calling instructions if you’re located outside of the US.]

3 Words Worth Remembering…

1) Commitment.

I believe commitment produces passion. Passion doesn’t produce commitment. First you need the wood then you have the fire.

During your Fast Track Call, we’ll talk about commitment and what it means in the context using the AUM Launchpad™ model.

Look, you may have scheduled your discovery session a while ago. Maybe you’re thinking twice about attending. If you can’t attend, please let me know. Everyone’s time is precious.

How Committed Are You?

Please be committed to show up. There’s no accident that you’re seeing this right now.

Perhaps unseen forces have conspired to tip the scales in your favor so you’re finally given a clear path forward towards accelerated business results.

2) Engagement.

Now there’s a word! You’re engaged with me right now and I will be equally engaged with you during our time together.

Nothing is more important to me than having committed clients who stay engaged.

I believe disengagement is at a crisis level in business and personal life.

Why? Because we’re in an over-communicated and over-marketed society and it’s not getting any better.

Tell Us, If You Can’t Attend

If you can’t make the session for any reason…

…then please let us know as a courtesy because again everyone’s time is precious and I want to ensure there is time on the calendar for Elite Advisors who wants to take advantage of their Fast Track Call.

Engagement is what I want to teach you.

Engagement is about much more than just attracting great clients and keeping them.

Ongoing engagement is one of the key ingredients that will allow you to get more of the right clients to convert faster, better and easier.  And Engagement is what I’m going to ask of you because it’s just more fun.

You’re with me so far, so keep reading…

3) Decision.

This word is perhaps the most important of the three.

Your decision to show-up is critical to wild success as a business owner and Elite Advisor.

Bad business is always a result of bad decisions.

You’ve probably heard of quotations that 80% or even 90% of success is just “showing-up.”

I don’t know what success percentage is attached to “showing-up” … but I do know this:

“Deciding” Means “Showing-Up”

Look, you’ve made a decision to show-up, so once you show-up, it means “you’re 100% committed” to doing what you say you’ll do.

Why Take This Seriously?

I’m taking this Fast Track Call with you seriously and I do expect you to do the same with me.

Remember the 3 words we just covered? Commitment. Engagement. Decision.

I’m committing my time to get you on track with the AUM Launchpad™ model so can…

1.) Gain Crystal-Clear Clarity on Your Future Direction

2.) Dramatically Improve Your Personal & Professional Productivity

3.) Consistently Identify & Attract Your Most Ideal Clients

Why am I committed?

Because I have mounds of unquestionable proof in Case Studies that the AUM Launchpad™ works and will work for you too.

Everything Is A Mirror

Most advisors don’t achieve what they say they want.

And it’s not because they don’t have the potential.

I help my clients grow to $100MM, $250MM and beyond in Assets Under Management (AUM).

We do this WITHOUT ignoring the twin goals of giving back and developing greater personal freedom.

Because building a highly profitable, world-class practice is NOT just about growing sales.

It’s also about having a true purpose.

Living-out beliefs and values. While enjoying each day.

Serving clients who truly appreciate your value. Giving them your absolute best.

And making a difference to the people and causes you care the most about.

What’s more???

Building an awesome business does not have to be as difficult as it may sometimes seem.

But it requires a PROVEN process.

A commitment to putting it into action.

And a mechanism for self-accountability.

That’s where my AUM Launchpad System comes into play.

When you join me in your live Fast Track Call we will come up with some quick action steps to immediately help you get better results faster.

It will include fresh takes on time-tested approaches as well as new paths to enrolling your ideal clients.

I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Rob Brown


Let Me Help You Write YOUR Next Success Story!

“Doubled Our Company”
michael-lutz-legacy-financial-strategies-1“So the last really nine months we’ve gone from about a ninety-five million dollar to about a two hundred million dollar company.”  “He understands the day to day…unique vision with where the whole thing is going industry wise.”

“I kind of treat Rob as my chairman of the board…for me as the CEO of the company it’s a good person (Rob) to have that can constantly challenge thinking and the ideas that I’m exploring.”
Click to Listen (Time: 29 seconds)

Michael Lutz, Legacy Financial Strategies

“Income Went Up $100,000”
Ron Dickinson
My income went up $100,000 over night from one project we did together…and that’s permanent.”  “He’s very, very knowledgeable about the industry….from the broker dealer world to independent registered investment advisories like myself … a little joke I’ve had lately with Rob it’s like, ‘You’re right again’.”

Click to Listen (Time: 31 seconds)

Ron Dickinson, CPA, CFP, Owner/Wealth Advisor, Dickinson Investments

“In Much More Control of My Business”
Richard Morrow
“Rob was a producer and a manager. He understands what you are doing… he’s going to challenge what you’re doing if it’s wrong. He’s going to make you aware of what you need to do achieve your goals.”  “Thanks to Rob, I feel that I am in much more control of my business.”  “If you want to grow your business in an efficient manner relatively quickly, he is who I would hire.”

Click to Listen (Time: 56 seconds)

Richard Morrow, Senior Vice President/Financial Advisor, Wunderlich Securities

“Cut Out the Trial and Error”
Perry Reghetti
“He’ll take a look at your business, you tell him what you want to be, where you want your business to go or what you’re trying to do that’s different… and he will have knowledge of past experiences with somebody else, that he’ll be able to tell you what works and what doesn’t work… Cut out the trial and error.”  “We have now doubled our business since working with Rob.

Click to Listen (Time: 19 seconds)

Perry Reghetti, Senior Partner/Financial Advisor, Reghetti/Moore and Associates



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